How To write novel in 30 days in 2024? 5 (1)

How To write novel in 30 days in 2024? 5 (1)

Writing a novel in 30 days is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Many writers participate in events like National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) to complete a novel in November. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this goal in 2024: Before You Start: Plan Your Novel: Outline your plot, characters, and setting. Create a…

How to Breaking Through the Write Block?!: Writer Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block 0 (0)

“Breaking Through the Write Block: Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block As a writer, it’s only natural to experience moments of writer’s block from time to time. Whether you’re working on a novel, an essay, or even just a simple email, writer’s block can strike at any moment and leave you feeling stuck and unable to…

How To Make Money from Writing 2022: A Guide for Writers 0 (0)

 How To Make Money from Writing 2022  Today I would like to talk to you about creative writing and how to make money from it. With the emergence of social media platforms and self-publishing on the Internet. The field of selling novels and making a profit from them has witnessed a great transformation and greater…

How do you know if the plot of your story is satisfactory?! 0 (0)

Satisfied plot  The most effective way to check if the plot of your story is satisfactory. is To get reader feedback, here: Let’s make our Satisfied plot  1. GENRE AWARENESS -What satisfies your audience is incredibly completely different in romance novel vs. adventure story, novel vs. epic fantasy vs. realistic novel, etc. Get to grasp your genre…