Your daily dose of happiness

Hana Tsuki

I'm Indie author & Digital Content Creator.

“I Love is just a word; Giving Love is a way to live.”  – Hana Tsuki

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    About Me

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


    Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of words crafted by a skilled writer, where every sentence weaves a tale that captivates hearts and minds.


    Dive into a treasure trove of thoughts, experiences, and insights shared by me on my blog, igniting curiosity and sparking meaningful conversations.


    Embark on an exciting journey through a visual wonderland created by me on YouTube.

    Author, Blogger, and YouTuber specializing in the world of romance and short stories. I started my journey as a blogger in 2013, sharing my thoughts and stories through blogging platforms.”

    For additional information about starting as a beginner writer on Wattpad and becoming a blogger and YouTuber after that.

    In 2014, I began my journey as a writer on Wattpad, where I continued to develop my skills and share my stories in my independent and free writing style. 

    This journey continued until 2020 when I published my first English-language romantic novel.

    I started my journey as a YouTuber in 2015, creating engaging and educational visual content on video-sharing platforms.

    I always look forward to sharing my stories and experiences with my loving and supportive audience, and I hope you enjoy my creative and entertaining content. 

    Be the first to discover new releases by subscribing to my newsletter and following me on social

    Influencers That Make a Difference

    “In the era of social media, the impact and importance of influencing are evident, as these platforms serve as powerful channels for individuals to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences, fostering communication, increasing awareness, and building interconnected virtual communities.”

    Giving back has always been
    extremely important to Irene.

    As an expert in product reviews, book promotions, and a social media influencer, I have the ability to shape opinions and inspire action.

    Product Review
    Web Designer 96%
    Success Campaign
    Web Designer 88%
    Best Influencer
    Web Designer 78%